About Us

Started up in India, Dil Dhadke - literally translating to “my heart beats” - is a planner for weddings around the world. Our clients come from all over the world and allow us to help them design, plan, and organize their fairytale wedding. We meet your catering, paperwork, photography, transportation needs and more to make your wedding and wedding planning as lovely and stress-free as possible. As the world’s most popular wedding banquet organizers, we thrive to make your wedding a majestic event!

​Dil Dhadke understands that your needs to be ideal and perfectly planned. Our reservation method will allow to easily book a date for the event that will change your life! No need to call to book (yet we would be more than happy to call you or for you to call us); just enter your information on the site, send it to us via the form, and we will email you back with a confirmation and get back to you as soon as we can!

phone: 888-000-0000

​email: sales@example.com

where events happen!

memorable Events

Coming soon.. our new getaway in Bahamas.